The Greater Good

When I saw close members of my family impacted by cancer, heart disease, and other critical illnesses, it fueled a passion in me that I know many of you have felt. It’s a drive that continually moves us to act. To make things better in some way. That passion has guided me to dedicate my life to raising funds in support of health care that heals people and saves lives. It makes me so proud to carry on that mission at Hoag. 
I see the immense impact Hoag has had on generations of families. Yet I know there is more we need to do. More people will need us in the future, from different corners of Orange County and beyond, in search of answers and hope. It is our job to bring those to them. Thanks to generous people and their investments over the years, Hoag has had the answers to respond to people's health challenges with a whole-person approach that addresses mind, body, and spirit. And when the answers to those challenges are still developing, that same generosity fuels the devotion to constantly seek them through research and exploration. 
I see Hoag’s expansion throughout our communities as an expansion of what many of you have enabled through your support, continually creating state-of-the-art treatment options, teaching the next generation of medical professionals, and fostering the culture of clinical curiosity needed for innovation to happen—innovation that results in more promise, more comfort, and perhaps, more time. 
We are constantly striving to elevate what we’ve achieved and push the boundaries of innovation forward to serve our patients. Boldly Hoag, our campaign to expand our incredible Hoag health care starting in Irvine, is the medium that enables progress to happen across all of Hoag. It enhances the accomplishments that have established Hoag as a renowned medical destination. It also allows us to develop new sophisticated spaces that integrate the leading-edge mechanisms needed to deliver specialized care. This will equip our world-class physicians and their programs with optimized facilities tailored to support their patients.  
Hoag’s Sun Family Campus in Irvine is growing because people we will never meet will one day be confronted with cancer, touched by life-altering digestive conditions, need to brave a complex surgery, welcome a tiny, fragile new life into the world, or experience more moments where exceptional health care is crucial. Thanks to philanthropy, Hoag has the power to welcome them with compassion, reassure them with our expertise and top-level care, and give them the peace of mind that being at Hoag means you can trust the journey ahead. 
Having a goal to aim for, one that benefits the health of people and community, has always fueled me. Hoag’s expansion is the next goal, the next frontier. Being the president of the Hoag Hospital Foundation is one more way I can help create what many of us wish we had for those who live in our memories. I am excited to be part of this, and I commend Hoag’s donors, volunteers, friends, and team for leading the way. For the greater good. 
Let’s boldly charge forward together, joined by our exceptional health system, honoring those who inspired it to these heights and realizing the vision for what it needs to be for those to come.
With gratitude,
Caroline A. Pereira, MBA
President, Hoag Hospital Foundation

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