From pivotal meetings and informative lectures to social gatherings and strategic events, the General William Lyon Leadership Center has hosted functions bringing together Hoag physicians and leaders with the culture of collaboration enabled in this space.
The General William Lyon Leadership Center opened one year ago in the spirit of generosity and has become a hub of collaboration, bringing together Hoag leaders and physicians to support each other and advance the future of health care. At Hoag’s Newport Beach campus, the leadership center is a focal point where workshops, classes, and meetings of the minds take place, including educational events ranging from topics of emergency medicine and physician burnout to legal guidance and financial planning. In addition, Hoag is working to develop more opportunities for physicians to learn about other subjects to nurture their interests and elevate patient care.
It’s also a catalyst for physicians across clinical areas to engage with each other. “The leadership center opened, and we saw physicians blossom and feel that sense of community,” said Katie Love, CPMSM, HACP, executive director of enterprise medical staff services. “They interact with colleagues they would never otherwise see, and there’s just that feel-good enthusiasm.”
Chief of Staff-Elect Miles Chang, MD, said the center allows for congregation of staffers of all types working toward the same outcomes. “There is the ability to interact with other people who are not physicians as well, such as administrators and others, for the common goal of improving care.” Dr. Chang leads Hoag’s physician wellness initiatives, and he hopes that having this central space makes way for more professional development and leadership training for physicians. “It is an excellent opportunity for physicians to be involved in helping other physicians be better and arming them with tools that will improve care in the community and the function of the hospital.”
This center honors the legacy of General William Lyon, the late real estate icon and decorated military leader. Its creation was possible thanks to a generous gift made by Lyon’s wife, Willa Dean. The Lyon family saw the center as a fitting tribute to a man who valued the pioneering spirit and drive to shape the world for the better.
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