While endowed chairs are a hallmark of academic institutions, they are rare in the community hospital setting. Approximately $60 million in philanthropic funds have been generously donated since the inception of Hoag’s endowed chair program over a decade ago. Thanks to this support, Hoag is now home to 22 endowed chairs. These prestigious positions support innovative programs and therapies in cancer, breast care, women’s health services, aortic care, cardiac care, cardiovascular surgery, neurosciences, memory loss, cognitive impairment, gastrointestinal disease, neonatology, diabetes and orthopedics.. To learn more about Hoag's endowed chair program, contact us here.
Supporting an endowed chair at Hoag is an opportunity to help advance the specialties of Hoag’s world-class clinicians. For some donors, it’s also an opportunity to honor the legacy of an esteemed colleague. Others are inspired by leading innovation, and some are grateful patients, committed to furthering the impact of their physician. All play an important role in helping Hoag lead research and patient-centered health care forward on a national scale. Their dedication and generosity empower physician leaders who continually work to advance Hoag and its mission to provide the highest quality of care to our patients.
View a list of our generous endowed chair donors
In 2022, Hoag Hospital Foundation published a showcase highlighting the impact of Hoag’s endowed chairs and the generosity of the donors whose philanthropic support helps these expert clinicians look to the future of health care with clarity and imagination, and firmly establish Hoag as a national pacesetter.
View the Endowed Chair Showcase
Whether a grateful patient, a longtime philanthropist or a local entrepreneur, donors to Hoag’s endowed chair program are visionaries unlike any other. Their commitment to innovation and patient care in our community is changing the future of health and wellness for generations to come.
To learn more about philanthropic opportunities in the endowed chair program,
Contact Us
“Our endowed chair holders are granted discretionary use of funds, allowing them to use their expertise toward the benefit of their patients, the hospital and the entire community,”
~ Robert Braithwaite, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hoag.
What we do today shapes all of our tomorrows. Hoag’s endowed chairs who are trusted to steward this generous funding relentlessly aim to improve the human condition. And the forward-thinking supporters who have given selflessly enable that perpetual endeavor.
Hoag Hospital Foundation honors new endowed chairs and the generous donors who establish these positions with a formal investiture ceremony.
View event photos from the 2023 Spring Endowed Chair Investiture Ceremony
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